Surya Bhedana is a warming pranayama, or breathwork, that focuses on one nostril: the right one. Surya or sun refers to the right nostril of the nose which is connected to the pingala nadi of the body. Bhedana means to pierce or penetrate. By closing one nostril and forcing prana to flow through one side only, a warming effect on the body is achieved, apt to correct imbalanced coolness that is more common during the cooler vata and kapha seasons.
Surya Bhedana Pranayama or Surya Bheda Pranayama is a very effective and important pranayama mentioned in Hatha Yoga Pradipika. The meaning of Surya is sun and the meaning of the word Bhedana is to penetrate, to penetrate or to break through. In relation to yoga, the right nadi (right nostril) is called surya nadi or pingala, and the left nadi (left nostril) is called chandra nadi or ida nadi. The right nadi is the entrance of the pingala nadi, which speaks to the solar vitality, the hot vitality or the masculine vitality in our body. It is vitality that is responsible for animation and physical work. By practicing Surya Bhedana Pranayama, we seriously initiate or activate the solar vitality to leap forward of solar vitality and relax the right nostril. Yoga suggests that in our body the sun is near the navel and also the moon is in the skull. While the moon has a cooling effect and the sun produces a warming effect. In this process we use the right nadi (right nostril) to inhale (inhale) and the left nostril to exhale. This process is also known as the Viloma type of pranayama
Without bandha:
- Sit in a comfortable seated position with your spine and neck straight.
- Close your eyes and bring your attention to your third eye, to the point between your eyebrows.
- Fill your lungs deeply, expanding your stomach on the inhale and contracting it on the exhale.
- Let your left arm relax at your side.
- With the right hand, block the left nostril with the ring finger as shown in the pose above.
- Breathe in slowly and deeply through the right nostril. Hold your breath for a little while.
With Bandha
- Sit comfortably in Padmasana, Siddhasana, or Swastikasana.
- Keep your head and spine erect with your eyes closed.
- Close your left nostril with your ring finger and little finger.
- Now, breathe in slowly, deeply, and calmly (without making any noise as you inhale).
- Inhalation is complete, then close your right nadi (right nostril) with your right thumb, the left nadi is also closed. Release the Jalandhar bandha, then slowly exhale by opening your left nostril. Now hold the position with Bandha for 5 to 10 seconds. Hold your breath for as long as you can with a bandha. Relax your jalandhar bandha, open your left nostril, and take a calm, deep breath out. For five to ten times, repeat this method.
Concomitantly with this practice you should: Count to 2 on the inhale, 8 on the breath hold and 4 on the exhale. Once you have perfected this pranayama, you can also use the time ratio such as 4, 16, 8 or 8, 32, 16 increase depending on your capacity.
Jalandhar Bandha (While holding your breath, bend your chin down and place it on your throat).
Mula Bandha (Try pulling your anus up during the retention process).
Benefits of Surya Bhedana Pranayama
- Beneficial in Vata related problems
- Best for awakening Kundalini Shakti.
- Surya Bheda Pranayama activates the bodily functions.
- Very helpful for increasing the digestive fire.
- It destroys intestinal worms.
- Best for winter sessions.
- If you feel cold in your feet or hands, try this.
- Surya Bhedana Pranayama generates a lot of energy.
- Increase appetite or other respiratory problems.
- It cleans the sinuses.
- Surya Bhedana Pranayama cures all diseases caused by lack of oxygen in the blood.
- A best and simple method for low blood pressure.
- It cures gas problems.
- Best for women suffering from a lack of sexual desire.
- Useful for Leukoderma and other skin problems.
- People who suffer from high blood pressure do not try this.
- People who have experienced brain surgery or heart surgery should seek advice from a yoga expert before doing Surya Bhedana Pranayama.
- Always do pranayama systematically and under the supervision of an experienced person.
What measures should be taken when performing this pranayama?
- Do not hold your breath if you have hypertension or high blood pressure.
- Open the left nostril and close the right nostril with your thumb and exhale slowly.
- Repeat steps 6-7 for one to three minutes.
- Release your right arm on your side and breathe in regularly several times before opening your eyes
What time is suitable for this pranayama?
It is more common during the cooler vata and kapha seasons.
How to activates the kundalini?
This concept was probably derived from the fact that the food we eat is digestible within the body part near the navel. Digestion is said to be controlled by heat, supplied by the sun. The air breathed through the right nadi is said to affect alternative types of important energies in our body. Because of this effect, these energies accumulate near the base of the navel, which is said to be of prime importance in arousing the Kundalini.