What You Should Know Before Attempting Knees-to-Ears Pose?
- Yogasana Level – Advanced
- Yogasana Style – Sitting
- Yogasana Repititions –
- Yogasana Strengthens – Vertebral column, Lung
- Yogasana Stretches –
Vertebral column, Shoulder
Effect of knee to ear pose on the tri dosha
It balances the vata and pitta doshas, hence improving digestion and aiding in pain management.
How to Perform the Knee to Ear Yoga Pose/Asana
- Assume the plough position by interlacing your hands on the floor or placing them flat on the ground.
- Bend your knees and bring them to the ground on either side of your head.
- The soles of your feet should rest on the ground.
- Permit the knees to apply gentle pressure to the ears, temporarily eliminating auditory disturbances.
- Before releasing your arms and vertebra by vertebra rolling out of the posture
- Take at least five breaths while performing the preceding action.
What Are The Advantages Of The Knee-to-Ear Yoga Posture/Asana?
- Improves lung health and is beneficial for asthma sufferers
- Treats ear issues such as infections, hearing loss, and tinnitus, among others.
- Extends the backbone
- Stimulates thyroid and stomach organs.
- Extends the back and shoulders
- Helps regulate your blood pressure
- Reduces the menopausal symptoms
- Assist with fatigue, stress, insomnia, and other menopausal problems
- This herb aids in the treatment of backache, infertility, and sinusitis
- Extends the spinal flexion and hip flexors
- Effective for massaging the organs in the abdominal cavity
- Stretches the shoulders and neck as well as tones the buttocks, hips, and thighs
What Are the Contraindications and Precautions for Knee-to-Ear Asana?
- Avoid performing the position if you have high blood pressure or asthma.
- Do not perform Karnapidasana if any portion of your body is in pain.
- This yoga pose should not be performed during menstruation or diarrhoea.
- In addition, it is best to avoid the knee-to-ear yoga pose if you are injured.
- Always complete a warm-up prior to performing Karnapidasana.
- You should not do Karnapidasana if you’ve had surgery on your knee, hip, shoulders, or core muscles, etc.
- If you have any Ear-related physical issues (including an infection), you should avoid this technique.
- Avoid doing Karnapidasana if you have high blood pressure, migraines, poor digestion, or any condition related to your respiratory system.
- Pregnant women should avoid performing the Knee to Ear pose.
- Do not consume heavy meals at least one hour prior to practising yoga.
- If you experience pain or more pressure in any body area while performing this yoga, discontinue carefully and consult a physician if the pain persists.
Note: Before doing a challenging pose such as the Knee to Ear pose, consult a skilled yoga instructor and a physician.
What Is the Science Behind Knee-to-Ear Asana?
Ear Pressure Pose is a wonderful forward bend pose that relaxes the mind, allowing you to turn inwardly and tune your mind and body away from the hectic existence. Although a tough pose, Ear Pressure Pose gives considerable relaxation when done mindfully and held longer.
Tips for Beginners on Knee to Ear Posture/Asana?
Common Mistakes
In this position, there is some weight on the neck, so avoid moving your head from side to side. If you feel a great deal of pressure in your neck, it is OK to walk with your shoulders a bit more tucked in. A blanket under the shoulders may also be helpful. During Karnipidasana, imagine rising the chest to the sky as opposed to sinking to the earth.
Advanced Changes in Pose
- If you choose to increase the difficulty, you can exit the stance by performing Chakrasana.
- an Ashtanga-style back somersault (Chakrasana). As if preparing for Wheel Pose, release your arms from behind your back, bend your elbows, and put the palms of your hands beneath your shoulders (Urdhva Dhanurasana). As you back roll into Downward-Facing Dog, curl your toes under and press into your hands to straighten your arms (Adho Mukha Svanasana).
Related Yoga Poses/Asanas –
Follow-up Poses:
- Chaturanga Dandasana,
- Astavakrasana
- Corpse position (Savasana)
- Fish posture (Matsyasana)
- Camel posture (Ushtrasana)
- Reversed hero’s posture (Supta vajrasana)